Monday, April 19, 2010

Rule Poster

Rule 2: Communicate, Don't Decorate

Facebook Ads

Problem: DOVA needs a new way to advertise WSU's WeberEdge Program, which offers the equivalent of in-state tuition to students from California.

Solution: Facebook ads were created to target young, California students interested in studying art and experiencing great outdoor recreation. The Mona Lisa was used as a universal symbol for the art world, but WSU's colors have been expressively applied over her face and eyes to represent a new, youthful, progressive attitude towards studying the arts. Additionally, background images of mountain views and ski slopes help illustrate the outdoor activities available surrounding the WSU campus.

Reading Outline

Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

20) Design is Structure

This poster celebrating Jan Tschichold is based on a rigid grid structure. A strong vertical and horizontal axis (tilted to the left) allow the information to be organized in a coherent way that employs good hierarchy, negative space, and clean typography.